Air Cargo To Grow at 9 per cent in Next Few Years

Air Cargo To Grow at 9 per cent in Next Few Years

Last updated: May, 2017
Air Cargo To Grow at 9 per cent in Next Few Years

New Delhi: While delivering the key note address at the India Integrated Transport & Logistics Summit 2017, the Minister for Civil Aviation, Shri Ashok Gajapathi Raju said that the country has seen significant growth in domestic air traffic and infrastructure development. He said that his Ministry is taking steps to make air transport affordable to the common man through the Regional Connectivity Scheme. He also said that air cargo which is likely to grow 9% in a next few years and hence logistic parks will help that growth. 

Speaking at the plenary session of the Summit, the Secretary of Ministry of Civil Aviation, Shri R.N. Choubey informed that air cargo globally and domestically constituted just 1% in terms of volume, but almost 25% in terms of value as air cargo was mostly valuable, perishable and time sensitive. He said that a Common Framework would be created in a years time for air cargo so that freight operators, airlines, security as well addressees come within one system. This will bring efficiency in handling air cargo. The Secretary also informed that Common User Cargo Terminals would be created at 17 airports. He also said that the free period for air cargo had been brought down from 72 to 48 hours to ensure faster movement out of terminals. He said that Civil Aviation would be a great beneficiary of all the steps taken to improve transport and logistics in the country and therefore had great expectations from the Summit. 
