Indian Economy News

OnSolve, a US-based company, opens a new technology unit in Bengaluru

  • IBEF
  • August 23, 2023

As part of its development plans, OnSolve, a US-based firm that specialises in critical physical threat mitigation, announced the opening of a new technology centre in Bengaluru on August 22, 2023. The company currently employs about 120 people in its Bengaluru office, with a goal of increasing that number by 50% over the course of the following year.

The workforce profile of the Bengaluru technology centre includes product operations teams that develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning, administer databases, provide technical support, and oversee security operations.

The establishment of this technology centre aligns with OnSolve's growth and innovation strategies, reinforcing its commitment to the advancement of its AI-driven platform. According to Mr. Mark Herrington, Chief Executive Officer of OnSolve, expanding the company’s technological footprint in India highlights its commitment to innovation and our commitment to addressing complicated issues for customers. He added, “The work of our team in this region will be crucial in changing how the world mitigates and responds to physical threats as we continue to focus on protecting communities and enabling operational agility for enterprises.”

He further stated that OnSolve is witnessing swift adoption of its threat mitigation solutions across vital industries such as healthcare, financial services, manufacturing, oil and gas, and government sectors.

The thriving technological ecosystem and talent pool in Bengaluru were key factors in the company's decision to locate its technology centre there. By setting up a shop in Bengaluru, OnSolve hopes to make use of the area's abundant resources and local knowledge to strengthen the OnSolve Platform and strengthen its position as a market competitor.

Mr. Ranjith Keloth, Managing Director (MD), India, OnSolve, stated that the organization is excited to expand our innovation activities to India and generate advanced technical jobs in Bengaluru. OnSolve has enormous potential to advance the OnSolve Platform inside this dynamic technology environment. “We are dedicated to fostering an innovative culture and advancing the talent in this area as we work to keep OnSolve competitive,” he said.

The business recently unveiled Risk Insights, a product that provides corporate executives with historical physical danger data gathered by AI, empowering them to make wise decisions about prospective threats.

Disclaimer: This information has been collected through secondary research and IBEF is not responsible for any errors in the same.
