Indian Economy News

ISRO lines up an LVM3, six PSLV, three GSLV launches in 2024

  • IBEF
  • December 8, 2023

ISRO has outlined plans for six PSLV missions, three GSLV launches, and a commercial mission using the Launch Vehicle Mark-3 in 2024. Minister of State in the PMO, Mr. Jitendra Singh, revealed this information in response to a question, stating that ISRO will additionally deploy a technology demonstration satellite during the third developmental flight of its latest launch vehicle, SSLV.

ISRO's agenda includes two unmanned Gaganyaan missions for human-rated launch vehicle and orbital module validation. Additionally, sub-orbital missions will test the Gaganyaan Crew Escape System under various abort conditions. Two autonomous runway landing experiments for the Reusable Launch Vehicle and launching the GSAT 20 communication satellite are planned. The six PSLV missions involve launching space science and Earth observation satellites, technology demonstrations, and commercial missions by NSIL. The three GSLV missions target meteorology, navigation, and a joint NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar satellite. The LVM3 launch is a commercial mission by NSIL.

Disclaimer: This information has been collected through secondary research and IBEF is not responsible for any errors in the same.
